Tigray: Reasons to be cheerful?

Tigray has suffered a civil war of devastating proportions.  The fighting is now over, but the challenge of re-building a fractured society still remains.  One of these challenges is the question of disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR).  But that challenge does not stand in isolation – Tigray [...]

By |2025-01-28T20:48:02+00:00January 28th, 2025|Africa, Ethiopia, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ethiopia: We need to talk about Tigray

More questions than answers on the way forward for Tigray.  But hope is not a good basis for strategic planning and wishing that the problem would go away is pointless.  In such a context, results cannot be bought - rather grown over time.  But the humanitarian clock [...]

By |2021-07-05T07:37:31+00:00June 30th, 2021|Africa, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa|0 Comments

Ethiopia: Same as it ever was?

Ethiopia is changing. Not always in the right direction; and not always smoothly. But it is changing. The population is growing; getting younger; is increasingly urbanised; but is stubbornly unequal in the distribution of wealth and access to services. And internal political tensions and politics pose an increasing [...]

By |2020-04-09T10:35:07+00:00May 21st, 2019|Ethiopia|0 Comments
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